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23 Things that make me happy

Sorry I've been out so long... life happened. And also being a sophomore is not easy, we get homework... how come no one told me about that?!

Anyway I have been feeling very happy recently, and decided to make a list of all the wonderful things that fill my life.

1.) Family --> even when I sometimes am annoyed.

2.) Friends --> appreciate the people God has put in your life.

3.) Reading --> series are best 'cause you have so much material to read!

4.) Eating --> smoothies and mac and cheese in particular.

5.) Funny videos --> watch Charlie Chaplin boxing.... and die.

6.) Extraverting --> I'm very good at it.

7.) Creative writing --> I like the freedom to be creative.

8.) Showtune soundtracks --> for example: Hamilton, Wicked, Hello Dolly, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music and so many more.

9.) Photography --> at least the times when I am in the perfect situation and all my pictures are beautiful.

10.) Art --> I love making art, and love looking at art, and watching others make art.

11.) Texting people who mean a lot to me --> what's the use of texting people if you don't connect with them?

12.) Daydreams --> at least the good ones.

13.) Magnets --> So fun to play around with.

14.) photobombs --> they bring life to a docile picture.

15.) Putting together ugly outfits --> but never wearing them out of the house.

16.) Amazing memories that I can look back on --> treasure those good times.

17.) rubber limbs --> like... arms, hands... they're funny.

18.) Stargazing --> It's a beautiful pastime and I look forward to the summer every year for this very reason.

19.) Making personal memes that mean so much to me --> I'd share some but you wouldn't understand at all.

20.) When people take pictures of me and they turn out so great --> again, I'd share but that would be kind of self absorbed.

21.) Going places with friends --> ie: the beach, NYC, the mall etc.

22.) My computer --> ever try life without internet, having to hand write essays? If you have you had better agree.

23.) Journaling --> it gives me the chance to go over my day and dissect it, and make it sound poetic.

What makes you happy?

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