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I would suggest | Books Movies and more

Hello lovely readers! I hope you've been well since we last talked, I have!

Today I'm going to give you (yes I know) another list... I CAN FEEL THE EXCITEMENT!!! (that was sarcastic, 'cause I know you all love my lists).

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO (never mind, let's have some suspense)


my favorite books, movies, and other things that might pop up in my mind as I write this.

Let's start with movies to get the ball rolling.

At the moment, my favorite movie is 'UNBROKEN'. That probably has something to do with the fact that it's the most recent movie I've watched, but hey, it was a good movie. THEY LIVED ON A RAFT FOR... (ooops, no spoilers allowed)...MANY DAYS. Oh and isn't the cover photo so angsty and wonderful? I think so too.

Other than 'UNBROKEN', some other movies I enjoy are:


'LORD OF THE RINGS' AND 'THE HOBBIT' (have I labeled myself as enough of a nerd yet?),


'HELLO DOLLY' (Audrey J: if you read this, thank you).

Turning the page: BOOKS.

This is gonna be VERY HARD.... bear with me.

First of all I don't like single books (OK that's a lie, I just don't like finishing them because it means I am done, and the story won't continue).

But if I had to chose one............... I couldn't.

HOWEVER don't sigh yet, I have plenty of series to go through.

My all time favorite series is a Fantasy, 'THE WINGFEATHER SAGA', Written by Andrew Peterson.

My favorite of the books is 'THE MONSTER IN THE HOLLOWS'. Agghhhhhh it's such an emotional rollercoaster, and I love it so much.

IF YOU READ ANY SERIES EVER, READ THIS ONE. You won't regret it, unless you have a cold heart, and I would never think that any of you did.

Some other AMAZING series are:

'THE KINGFOUNTAIN SERIES' By Jeff Wheeler (this is a VERY close second).

Another series by Jeff Wheeler that I really enjoyed is 'LEGENDS OF MUIRWOOD'.

And I really like 'THE GALLAGHER GIRLS' by Ally Carter.

GUESS WHAT! I thought of another category that kinda fits in: Music.

I'm very much into musical soundtracks: My newest favorite is 'LES MISERABLES', and then there is 'HAMILTON' which I don't listen to as much because I don't want to get sick of it and I was very close to doing so. I also really like 'WEST SIDE STORY' 'MY FAIR LADY' and 'HELLO DOLLY'.

But I'm not stuck on just musicals, I also really like 'TWENTY ØNE PILØTS' more than a lot, and I have stamped 'THE PIANO GUYS' music as my study music.

I also have a strong loyalty to 'FOR KING AND COUNTRY' because they were the first band that actually immersed me in a legitimate interest in music, like I've always liked music but I never really listened to music on my own until I started listening to '4K&C'.

PHEW... I'm done. I'll probably post again sometime in the near future.

BEFORE I LEAVE I want to know:

Have you seen any of those movies?

Have you read any of those series? Even just one?

Do you like any of that music? Or if not, what music do you like?

Ok, I'm done filling your brains with mindless babble, I'm going. Bye.

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